App of Apps
Argo CD can deploy a set of applications to different environments (DEV, TEST, PROD ...) using base
Kubernetes manifests for applications and customizations specific to an environment.
We can leverage Argo CD App of Apps pattern to implement this use case. This pattern allows us to specify one Argo CD Application that consists of other applications.
We reference EKS Workshop Git repository as a Git repository with base
manifests for your Kubernetes resources. This repository will contain an initial resource state for each application.
|-- manifests
| |-- assets
| |-- carts
| |-- catalog
| |-- checkout
| |-- orders
| |-- other
| |-- rabbitmq
| `-- ui
This example shows how to use Helm to create a configuration for a particular, for example DEV, environment. A typical layout of a Git repository could be:
|-- app-of-apps
| |-- ...
`-- apps-kustomization