Other components
In this lab exercise, we'll deploy the rest of the sample application efficiently using the power of Kustomize. The following kustomization file shows how you can reference other kustomizations and deploy multiple components together:
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
- rabbitmq
- catalog
- carts
- checkout
- assets
- orders
- ui
- other
Notice that the catalog API is in this kustomization, didn't we already deploy it?
Because Kubernetes uses a declarative mechanism we can apply the manifests for the catalog API again and expect that because all of the resources are already created Kubernetes will take no action.
Apply this kustomization to our cluster to deploy the rest of the components:
After this is complete we can use kubectl wait
to make sure all the components have started before we proceed:
We'll now have a Namespace for each of our application components:
assets Active 62s
carts Active 62s
catalog Active 7m17s
checkout Active 62s
orders Active 62s
other Active 62s
rabbitmq Active 62s
ui Active 62s
We can also see all of the Deployments created for the components:
assets assets 1/1 1 1 90s
carts carts 1/1 1 1 90s
carts carts-dynamodb 1/1 1 1 90s
catalog catalog 1/1 1 1 7m46s
checkout checkout 1/1 1 1 90s
checkout checkout-redis 1/1 1 1 90s
orders orders 1/1 1 1 90s
orders orders-mysql 1/1 1 1 90s
ui ui 1/1 1 1 90s
The sample application is now deployed and ready to provide a foundation for us to use in the rest of the labs in this workshop!
If you want to understand more about Kustomize take a look at the optional module provided in this workshop.