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How it works

Pods can be assigned priorities relative to other Pods. The Kubernetes scheduler will use this to pre-empt other Pods with lower priority to accommodate higher priority Pods. PriorityClass resources with priority values are created and assigned to Pods, and a default PriorityClass can be assigned to a namespace.

Below is an example of a priority class that would allow a Pod to take relatively high priority over other Pods:

kind: PriorityClass
name: high-priority
value: 1000
globalDefault: false
description: "Priority class used for high priority Pods only."

This is an example of a Pod specification that uses the above priority class:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
env: test
- name: nginx
image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
priorityClassName: high-priority # Priority Class specified

The documentation for Pod Priority and Pre-emption explains how this works in detail.

How can we apply this to accomplish over-provisioning the compute in our EKS cluster?

  • A priority class with priority value “-1" is created and assign to empty Pause Container Pods. The empty "pause" containers act as placeholders.

  • A default priority class is created priority value “0”. This is assigned globally for a cluster, so any deployment without a priority class will bet assigned this default priority.

  • When a genuine workload is scheduled the empty placeholder containers get evicted and the application Pods get provisioned immediately.

  • Since there are Pending (Pause Container) Pods in our cluster, the Cluster Autoscaler will kick in and provision additional Kubernetes worker nodes based on ASG configuration (--max-size) that is associated with the EKS node group.

How much over provisioning is needed can be controlled by:

  1. The number of pause Pods (replicas) with necessary CPU and memory resource requests
  2. The maximum number of nodes in the EKS node group (maxsize)